Services & Pricing
Basic Acupuncture/ Massage/Diagnostic Rates
1/2 HOUR $50.00
45 Minutes $70.00
1 HOUR $90
1.5 HOURS $120.00
2 HOURS $150.00
1st Visit may cost extra $15 to open file.
Specialty rates are available for seniors, and those with low income and disabilities. Inquire for details.
How to reduce cost for patients without coverage?
1. Buy package treatment plan. 2. show that you are Senior, Disable, Low income, foreign worker without coverage or overseas visitor.
A massage makes the perfect gift. We have gift certificates available!
Our services promote:
Emotional Balance
Physical Healing
Improved Digestion
Improved Mobility
Pain Relief
Increased Energy
Improved Circulation
Improved Sleeping Patterns
Stress Reduction
Increased Productivity
AI TCM offers a range of wholistic therapy services. We tailor our treatment plan to meet each individual's unique needs. We offer over twenty years of hands on experience and a combined total of over 2,000 hours of instruction.
AI TCM is proud to offer the following services:
Acupuncture 針灸
Mini Ren Acupuncture (小针刀)
Pulse Reading、4 diagnosis. 中醫四診
Deep Tissue Massage known as Tui Na 推拿按摩:腰肌劳损,酸麻胀痛
Acute syndrome. Fever, Spasm, fatigue, Pain, Headache, soft tissue injuries from Sports, work place injury or Motor Vehicle accident.
Internal disease 內科病:感冒;咳嗽;哮喘;肺癆;瘧疾;中暑;嘔吐;呃逆;胃脘痛;泄瀉;痢疾;便秘;黃疸;肋痛;心悸;不寐;頭風;狂病;面癱;眩暈;水腫;淋證;癃閉;消渴;中風;痹證;痿證;陽痿;遺精;早洩。
Gynecology 婦科病證:月經不調;經痛;閉經;乳房脹痛;崩漏;帶下;陰癢;不孕;滯產;胎位不正;胞衣不下;惡露不絕;産後血暈;乳少等。
Injury and Dermatology Treatment 皮外骨傷科病證:蛇串瘡;濕瘡;隱疹;粉刺;疔瘡;丹毒;癭病;瘰疬;乳癰;乳癖;腸癰;破傷風;痔瘡;落枕;肘勞;漏肩風;腰脊痛,坐骨神經痛。
Facial disease 五官疾病:Stye, Bell palsy, Watery eye, Red eye, Optic Nerve atrophy, Sudden Visual loss, Nearsighted (myopia) 麥粒腫;上瞼下垂;冷淚證;赤眼;青盲;暴盲;近視眼;斜視;耳脹;耳閉;膿耳;暴聾;鼻渊;鼻衄;咽喉腫痛;牙痛;口瘡。
Herbal decoction. 中藥湯劑
Fire Cupping 火罐
Moxibustion 艾灸
Natural herbal formula 中成藥
TCM Diet management 中醫食療
Personal Exercise therapy eg. Tai Chi 運動療法
We specialize in helping people recover from automobile accidents, sports injuries, and workplace injuries. We can help reverse injuries caused by repetitive motion, poor posture, and poor lifting habits.
We offer corporate packages. We can come to your workplace or convention.